Planar Magnetic Technology, You may have heard of it It s been around for decades, long before it was adapted for use in headphones and AMT Tweeters, and there s an abundance of information available online There s so much information
Have you ever noticed that when listening to truly great music, the audio has a tactile quality? A sense of re
The Air Motion Transformer is an electromagnetic driver, as it is based on the Lorentz force that moves the air in the single folds The diaphragm itself has an aluminum circuit printed on it (violet arrows) and is surrounded by a strong magnetic field
The most relevant and often discussed topic in the field of loudspeaker design these days is "Phase " Speaker builders around the world today, produce models with diffusers and with speakers arranged on different planes
At Ars Aures we have always been interested in cars, and as a result we were delighted to accept the challenge to fit a high-end sound system into one
Creating the next generation of Ars Aures KODO subwoofers was not something we undertook lightly With a long legacy of market-leading innovation to live up to, we are proud to present the Ars Aures KODO Series, built to bring new force, authority
You will hear the music as it was meant to be by the musician and recording-engineer As if you were there, in the studio or a live concert Listen into the music - without fatiguing